Thursday, July 29, 2010

Metal Band

Well, I finally get to remove these irritating spacers inbetween all my molars...

But this is just the beginning... Almost immediately, my ortho replace it with the metal band... and the following week is the welcome party for Becky?? haha

Right now... feeling pretty much the same as the spacer...a different kind of discomfort but focusing more on the cheek area.. ohh.. I was given some wax to use...

That's all for now folks... :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Named My soon-to-be-put-on Braces

I have decided to name my braces (even thought she is not being put on yet) - and Yah! It is a "she"... hehehe

And we shall all call her....

REBECCA aka Becky

This not only makes Becky special and since I will be spending lots of time together with her in the near future.. It is only right to name her... LOL I do know that Becky is gonna be giving me a lot of sore and pain, but this is exactly wot friends are for..

Well, for now... We shall wait and look forward to Becky's arrival... :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Spacer aka Seperator

Spacer dropped off early in the morning...

Called Dr Lim and was told that it is alright.. not required to go back to replace it...

Heng ah!!!! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


When I thought it will be my big day of getting my braces.. But who knows my Orthodontist said that he wanted to take step by step and all he did today was put in the rubber ring for me.. All together 7 of them to make space.. so that next week he can place the metal thingin over my molar i guess...

The receptionist told me that i will feel the soreness after a few hours... So far i do feel a little sore but other then that... not much difference...and some difficulty in chewing..

Next Thursday gotta see my Orthodontist again... Guess he will remove the spacer and do something else to me... By August??? My braces should be on!!! Yea!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Three more days~

Counting down on the days for PamPam to be officially on braces..

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Finally all the nonsense painful event is gone for now... until 22 July 2010...

Heard from some other braces wearer that they did not experience much pain when the braces is being put on. I guess it is subject to individual and I remember them telling me that even when they do need to extract some of their teeth, it was nothing painful for them...

Therefore, taking into consideration that after my extraction (round 1 & 2); I was in pain for a week each time... I believe on 22 July 2010, I will be in pain for at least a week.. LOL

Some lousy pictures taken below are after my teeth extraction;

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wound Infection???

Not too sure if anyone else will experience this, however, for recording purposes i gotta put this down...

As mentioned in my earlier post, it was an almost painless round two extraction. However, the wound started to feel kinda sore these two days.. Especially when i gotta rinse my mouth after my meal... rice is such an irritating size that fits the extracted hole nicely... and if it fall kinda deep in, i gotta rinse harder to flash it out... and guess wot??? For some reasons (hell know wot?).. last night the rinsing mouth got painful.. and my wound hurts badly that i gotta take painkiller (that doesnt help much) and rest early on bed.

What i found out was to keep your head up with pillows and dont try lying sideway (either side, just avoid)... by keeping your head up, it actually helps the pain to be in control and eventually you will fall asleep...

I got up the next morning feeling great but the wound area hurts again i am in cold area or simply if i rinse my mouth with water or salted warm water.. weird...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tooth Extraction - Painful & Painless

Ahhhh.. the first week during my round one tooth extraction... well, it did not go too well and i was in pain for one week... and amazingly, the pain seems to stop just like hitting the STOP button damn hard and i just don't feel the pain anymore.. lol after that, all i did from Monday to Thursday, was pig myself up with food that i like.. :)

Round One

Dr Tsao was really gentle... he knew that i am really tensed up and he was really skillful and tried to be as careful as possible when he did the anesthetic really slow and ensuring that it is not as painful as i thought it will be... and the extraction begins...

He mentioned that it is difficult to remove my tooth; but at the same time, he kept talking to me and ensure that i am focusing on his topic and i was told to concentrate on my breathing. and within 30 mins, both my upper and lower bicuspids on my right side are out...

i believe i did not manage it well enough when i return home in the evening; i had porridge for dinner (which is not helpful at all); rinsed my mouth cos it stuck inside the wound... and took painkiller... din help much the next morning and somehow, it lasted for a week.

You may wish to know how the "pain" button was being hit on.. Well, that evening while still in pain and i was in my boyfriend's car.. the ride got bumpy while on our way home.... it got so bumpy and some part of my nerve got "shake" and the pain stopped totally.. LOL

Round Two

This time round, i did lots of reading on the "after-care" about tooth extraction and i am telling myself to follow it totally!! No smoking within 24 hours BEFORE extraction; and 48 hours AFTER extraction... Had painkiller before the pain comes (based on first extraction, i tried to remember how long it takes for the anesthetic for round one). And i went through an almost painless process when the anesthetic started to wear off... i also tried keeping my head up for 12 hours and of cos, rinse my mouth with warm salt water after meal. ahhh.. and i tried not to talk or strain my jaw as long as possible.

Next morning, i got up feeling really good and no pain at all (unlike the first round). and was happily doing wotever i like... But i do feel a slight discomfort when i was lying my head on the pillow (chin down) and i guess the pressure on it makes it uncomfortable...

Well, now before i went to bed, i was brushing and flossing my teeth; while trying to floss my right second/third molar; my finger accidentally, knocked onto my new wound and it bleeds a little... rinsed it with salt water again...

under observation for another 12 hours and hopefully, everything will be fine after that...

btw, the below picture is where i gotten online and circled the four tooth that got extracted~ You would have a clearer idea which teeth i am referring to...
